Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday's Tails!

Are you ready for Halloween?

Mom has entered me in a FaceBook contest sponsored by Best Bully Sticks.
Yep, my favorite thing in the world.

Better than peanut butter
Better than my squeaky toys
Better than my tennis ball..
Its my last chew before I go to sleep at night!

The voting doesn't start until the 28th
butt...win or lose.. just hope I score a new bully stick!


The prize is a gazillion bully sticks which mom said I will need to share with a rescue!
I wonder if a rescue will take Bully Sticks??  I better paw them a note and find out..we have two, very special,  Fox Terrier rescues in mind!


  1. Let us know when we can vote and we'll vote for you, Winston!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Better than playing ball????? How is THAT even pawsible?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
