Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dog days of Summer!

I will be joining Norwood in his most pawsome event......stop by his bloggy  (just click on his name or the picshuwe) to get all of the info!!  There iz sumthing bout Instagram..butt I will be posting here!

As you all nose, I had to fire my OLD (very old) secwetawy!!!

After posting for a new employee,  the applications have been streaming in butt,  beclaws of the Olympic Games, I haven't had the time to interview any of the candidates!

For now, I'm on my own..!!

This job is harder than it looks and I'm now behind on this Event!!

So, wiffout further ado.......

My Entry into Best Smile is...

My next entry..Sleeping!
My Favorite plwace to sneep!!


  1. You may be behind, but your doing a good job, excellant form on the sleeping.

    Susie & Bites

  2. You REALLY do need a secretary! Maybe the old one wasn't so least she knew the job...imagine the learning curve of training a new one to record your busy active well as keeping you organized!

    1. You may be right, maybe we should bring back our secwetawy and give her a Day Planner so she can get up wiff our very impawtant dates!!

  3. Hey Winston, those are great entries. Do we get to vote, cause I would vote for you.


  4. We think you are doing good and we really liked your pics. But we know paws are big for those little letters on a keyboard so maybe your old secretary can have another chance if she begs??

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. What great pictures of you smiling and sleeping, Winston. We can't wait to see more!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Hai der Winston!!

    I am considering recruiting fur a noooo secretary too. Mine is failing badly at Norwood's photo challenge already too.
    But her is getting better at helping with my bloggie, so I guess meybe it evens owt???
    Anyways, wooo are looking good Winston.

    Play bows
